Angular VS React - Know The Difference in 2023

Angular vs React

In today's era increase in web technologies, frameworks, and tools are increasing rapidly. There are many web application development companies to give customer service without installing their application, you can directly open it in any browser. 

Angular and React are the two frameworks that are the most common web application development.

So let's talk about these frameworks

  • What is Angular?
  • Feature of angular
  • What is React
  • Feature of React
  • Angular vs react
  • Top 5 projects to build using these technologies

What is Angular?

Angular is an open-source, JavaScript framework. It is written in TypeScript. It is maintained by Google and it is developed in 2010. 

It is primarily developed for building single-page applications. 

What is a single-page application?

So, Single page application means that loads a single HTML page and only a part of the page instead of the entire page gets updated with every click of the mouse.

 The page does not reload or transfer control to another page during the process. So with the help of a single page application, the page gets loaded fast and efficient way of memory management.

Features of Angular

  • Based on DOM
  • Routing
  • karma file for testing
  • Breaking the code into components
  • Data binding

What is React?

React is an open-source Javascript library for creating a better user interface. It is maintained by Facebook and it is initial release in 2013. 

React is also used for creating single-page applications. React is compatible with other frameworks also.

Feature of React

  • It is more popular than other framework
  • Reusable components
  • Breaking the code into components
  • One way binding

Angular VS React


  • It is maintained by google
  • Angular is a framework
  • Angular used real DOM
  • In angular data, binding is in two ways
  • Angular is written in typescript language


  • It is maintained by Facebook
  • React is a library
  • React is used virtual DOM
  • In react data binding in one way
  • React is written in Javascript

Top 5 Project To Build Using Angular and React

  • TODO app
  • Creating forms [sign in and sign up]
  • Notes app
  • Weather app
  • URL Shortener


Both these languages help to develop the web application. As react is more popular than angular. But it varies on companies' preferences and requirements. 

So it is up to you which language you want to learn based on your need and requirements.

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